Student Activities Events

student activities climbing wall

student activities info tables

student activities food truck

Fall Fest

Fall Fest is held at the beginning of fall semester.  This is an opportunity for you to kick off the fall semester and check out everything Owens Community College has to offer, including student organizations, campus offices and helpful resources!

Winter Welcome

Winter Welcome is held at the beginning of spring semester.  Students can learn about all of our student organizations on campus and how to get involved.

Spring Fling

Spring Fling is held at the end of spring semester, typically in April.  Students can enjoy activities, food and music from our OCCR radio station and celebrate the end of a successful academic year!

Lunch and Learns

Lunch and Learn workshops are held regularly throughout the semester.  The Office of Student Life partners with faculty members, Owens student support staff, and community partners to deliver an array of subjects every semester while students can enjoy a light lunch.  Topics include but are not limited to how to get involved on campus, stress and well-being, justice and social equity, financial support and more.

Make & Take Activities

Make & Take Activities give students the chance to drop in, de-stress, exercise their creativity, then show off their creations! The Office of Student Life holds Make & Take activities each month.  Some of our past events included bath bombs, Japanese herbariusm, tiny art and Zen gardens.

Wednesday Wellness

Every first and third Wednesday of the semester, the Office of Student Life provides lunchtime wellness practices to give students an ever-expanding toolkit to deal with life’s challenges.  These wellness practices are designed to promote calm, attentive focus to give students agency over their emotional well-being.  An array of activities including yoga, meditation, qi gong, and gratitude journaling can be expected.


Every semester the Office of Student Life holds prominent speakers to engage students in socially-relevant discussions.  These discussions are often in-alignment with other campus initiatives which challenge students to think critically, expand their perspectives, and generally contribute to the philosophy behind higher education.