High School Equivalency Classes

Did you know that in Lucas County, nearly 40,000 adults aged 18 to 64 do not have a high school credential? Earning a High Equivalency Certificate (HSE) will:

  • increase earning potential
  • provide an opportunity for advancing in current jobs
  • open job opportunities
  • lead to enrollment in post-secondary education (College or Trade School)

A High School Equivalency Class student story

The Owens (Aspire) College and Career Readiness Center offer 16 HSE no-cost prep classes in Toledo, Perrysburg, or Findlay. Our classes are developed to help students improve the basic skills required to take a state-recognized HSE test. Students will also gain career readiness skills that will help them function in the post-secondary and workforce. 

First, please review our Site Schedule to select from one of our classes that fits your schedule. Next, complete and submit the Student Registration forms. Someone from our office will contact you within 7-10 business days of receiving your documents to schedule an orientation for an upcoming class. To start sooner, call our office at (567) 661-2227.

Ready to get started?